Moving Forward

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Established in 2008, OPO continues to mature as an organization and to refine the manner in which it carries out its mandate. Two key initiatives are expected to further influence these refinements.

The first concerns the results of a formative evaluation launched in 2011-12. The objective of the evaluation is to assess OPO's overall effectiveness during its first three years of operation. This evaluation is consistent with Treasury Board requirements to periodically assess the value for money of federal programs. Two steps were taken to ensure that the evaluation is neutral and independent:

  1. An external advisory committee made up of senior officials was established and is overseeing the approach and conduct of the evaluation.
  2. An independent third-party contractor was engaged to carry out an evidence-based analysis, which includes obtaining the views of OPO stakeholders.

Once completed, the Office will make the results of the evaluation public and make any necessary adjustments to address the evaluation findings.

The second area involves a continued emphasis on transparency and outreach. The Office is currently exploring ways to provide stakeholders with easier access to its products and services. For example, OPO is updating its Web presence to make the information available on its Website easier to access. The Office is also actively implementing a more robust outreach program geared to engaging the Office's stakeholders in a more meaningful way. This means providing suppliers and the federal procurement community with easier access to the Office's people, services and reports. It also means putting stock in the suggestions of the people the Office was created to help by actively seeking their feedback on-line, by telephone and in person.

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