Our year at a glance

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“We are here to help!”
52: Number of written requests received – the most since the Office opened
13: Number of Alternative Dispute Resolution requests – the most since the Office opened.
7: Number of Review of Complaint reports issued – the most in one fiscal year.
1st: Review of Complaint on the administration of a contract.
“Although my complaint was outside the Ombudsman’s mandate, [the Office] was still able to resolve the issue by working with [the federal organization] directly.” – Supplier feedback
It’s all about communication!
“Your seminar was truly helpful. I would recommend to all.” - Supplier feedback
The Office met with suppliers at 20 town hall meetings across the country!
74,153: Number of page views on OPO’s website.
825: Number of suppliers registered for OPO’s town hall meetings nationwide.
283: Number of procurement-related contacts to the Office.
“The Office of the Procurement Ombudsman is an essential government service. The [Office] should be expanded and empowered” – Supplier feedback
Did you know?
An ombudsman is an “independent, objective investigator of people’s complaints against government and/or private sector organizations”.
The Procurement Ombudsman is one of 14 ombudsmen for Canadian federal organizations.
(Forum of Canadian Ombudsman)
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