The complaint process—What to expect
What complainants and federal organizations can expect from the Office of the Procurement Ombud (OPO)
What can the Office of the Procurement Ombud review?
Complaints on the award of a federal contract
Contract must be valued below $33,400 for goods and $133,800 for services.
Complaints on the administration of a federal contract
The interpretation and application of the terms & conditions, or the scope of work, must not be in dispute. There is no dollar threshold.
Who can file a complaint?
In order to file a complaint, a supplier must meet the following criteria:
- Have a place of business in Canada
- Have filed the complaint in writing within regulated timelines
- Be a party to the contract (only for complaints on the ADMINISTRATION of a federal contract)
Complaint review process
- Review initiation
- OPO informs complainant and federal organization that a review has been launched.
- OPO gathers records from both parties.
- Analysis and report writing
- OPO examines & addresses each issue raised in the complaint and any other relevant issue(s).
- Report release
- Procurement Ombud publishes his findings, and any recommendations, within 120 working days of when complaint is filed.
What can complainants and federal organizations expect?
OPO will:
- explain the process and timelines;
- request all relevant records;
- provide a copy of the final report to the complainant, the deputy head of the federal organization and the Minister of Public Services and Procurement; and
- publish the final report on OPO's website.
The complainant will:
- provide all relevant records, which may include information pertaining to lost profit and bid submission costs.
Federal organizations
OPO will:
- provide the deputy head with a copy of the complaint and any other relevant records;
- request a response to the complaint;
- request all relevant records;
- provide a copy of the final report to the complainant, the deputy head of the federal organization and the Minister of Public Services and Procurement; and
- publish the final report on OPO's website.
The federal organization will:
- provide all relevant records; and
- inform OPO of matters pertinent to the review.
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